Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety disorders are a mental health condition that many people struggle with. There are several types of anxiety ranging from high-functioning anxiety to extreme PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and other crippling anxiety disorders. While anxiety can be extremely disruptive to one’s life and ability to function, the positive news is that it is highly treatable and manageable with the correct care. Anxiety treatment is easily accessible and there are many options and paths to healing and management. Whether you are in need of medication treatment or natural remedies – a mental health professional will be able to choose a strategic plan of treatment to suit your needs. If you have considered seeking support for your anxiety disorder or feel that you need to be evaluated for symptoms of anxiety, we are here to help you receive the best care.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are extremely common. It is often experienced in things like the anticipation for an important event or performance, when there is a lot of stress or pressure surrounding work or the anticipation of a significant life change. It is the feeling of worry, fear, panic or stress that manifests emotionally, mentally and also in physical sensations. It is a natural response to when the mind and body feel they are under threat, but often with anxiety it occurs when there is, in fact, no real threat.


The most common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Tense or unable to relax

  • Constant sense of dread

  • Always fearing the worst-case scenario

  • Out of touch with reality

  • Restlessness or inability to sit still

  • Sweating or hot flashes

  • Rapid heart rate

  • Fast breathing

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Light-headedness

  • Upset or “nervous” stomach

While anxiety can be isolated to certain experiences or situations, there are also more serious and on-going forms of anxiety that plague people in a more impactful and detrimental way. Generalized anxiety disorders cause individuals to suffer with the symptoms listed above on an every-day, constant basis. People who suffer from an anxiety diagnosis live with symptoms of anxiety, including panic attacks, regularly. Their anxiety symptoms aren’t necessarily a result of a stressful event or the anticipation of any significant life change, but simply their brain making them feel as if they need to be prepared or fearful of something threatening them. 

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed here, there are several options for you to feel supported and receive the treatment that is best for you. At Insight Northwest we are able to offer a wide range of approaches to anxiety treatment.


Types of anxiety disorders

Anxiety touches the lives of a staggering number of individuals. Whether it is circumstantial or a more long-term diagnosis, anxiety disorders are extremely difficult to cope with without the help and support of a professional. It is good to know the many types of anxiety disorders so that you are better equipped to face your diagnosis. 

There are several types of anxiety disorders, some of the most common include:

If you have already been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, the next step is to seek support and treatment for your condition. If you have not yet been diagnosed but are experiencing symptoms of an anxiety disorder, the first step is to be evaluated and receive a clear diagnosis from a mental health professional.



To receive a diagnosis for your mental health condition you can either be evaluated by your therapist, psychiatrist or primary care practitioner. At Insight Northwest Counseling we have a team of qualified providers who are able to evaluate your symptoms and provide you with mental health diagnosis.

Psychological Evaluation and Testing 

One option for diagnosis is to make an appointment with our licensed psychologist on staff for psychological testing and evaluation. You can learn more about that process and what entails here. The process involves a series of tests, interviews and behavioral observation that will be evaluated by a mental health provider to give a correct diagnosis of your condition. Psychological evaluation is a great way to receive an accurate diagnosis. Once you have gotten a diagnosis, your provider can then help you to know what treatment plan is best for you.

Talk to your health care provider 

Another way to learn more about your mental health condition is to talk to your existing mental health care provider. If you do not yet have one, you can book an appointment or schedule a free consultation with one of our team members today. Speaking to your health care provider about your symptoms will give them the opportunity to first rule out any physical conditions that could be creating your anxiety symptoms and then either further evaluate your symptoms or refer you to a mental health specialist that is more equipped to meet your needs.


Anxiety Treatment

Living with any anxiety condition is incredibly difficult and disturbing. It can make it hard to function well and make even the least significant tasks extremely challenging. While it can be profoundly difficult, anxiety is treatable and even curable. With the proper treatment and support, anxiety symptoms can be managed and, in some cases, eliminated. Depending on your specific set of needs and your anxiety disorder diagnosis, there are a few different treatment options available. You may be best suited for one type of treatment or even a combination of multiple. It is crucial to speak to a mental healthcare provider about which form of treatment is best for you.


Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a method of treatment used to treat several mental health conditions including anxiety. There are several therapy modalities that are used in psychotherapy that have shown to be successful in treating anxiety disorders. The most common psychotherapy used to treat anxiety, however, is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). In CBT, an individual meets with a licensed therapist or other mental healthcare professional to work through their symptoms, thoughts, behaviors and challenges. CBT treatment focuses on recognizing your symptoms, worries and emotions and working to manage them with the helpful tools provided by your therapist. Psychotherapy helps you to work through the triggers of your anxiety, in order to return to activities and situations that you have avoided in an effort to manage your symptoms.

In addition to CBT, a common type of therapy used to address anxiety is exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is the practice of intentionally encountering and facing your points of anxiety, gradually and carefully, to gain confidence and establish new coping techniques. Over the course of treatment, the individual will gain confidence that will allow them to participate in the tasks and activities that they once avoided.

Medication Treatment

In the case of more severe anxiety disorders, psychotherapy is not the only or most beneficial course of treatment. In those cases, medication treatment is highly common and successful in reducing symptoms of anxiety. There are many types of mental health medications that are used to treat anxiety disorders.

The most common types of medication used in the treatment of anxiety are:

  • Antidepressants (SSRI)

  • Anti-anxiety medications

  • Sedatives or sleep medication

It is important to note that these medications come with benefits as well as side effects. Before being treated by mental health medications, it’s best to talk to your provider about all of the risks, benefits and side effects. These medications should be prescribed by a doctor and taken per their direction and guidance. At Insight Northwest Counseling we provide mental health treatment with psychiatric medication. We have psychiatric nurse practitioners on staff, who are able to assess, diagnose and treat with medication.

Natural Remedies

For those that aren’t comfortable with medication treatment or are more interested in natural alternatives, there are known herbal and naturopathic supplements and other forms of homeopathic aid. There are proven benefits to seeking a more natural approach to anxiety treatment, such as the absence of side effects that other medications come with. Things such as diet and nutrition, supplements and herbal tinctures are proven to help ease the symptoms of anxiety. As with any other form of treatment, it’s best to approach this form of treatment with the guidance of a healthcare professional as some of the natural supplements can interact poorly with other medications and mental health conditions.

Self-care Practices 

For many people suffering from anxiety, the work of managing the disorder happens outside of the treatment. There are many self-care techniques and other practices that are included in the treatment and management of anxiety disorders that mental health providers will encourage and support, both separate and in addition to the other forms of treatment. 

Some of the most common anxiety management tools used in personal life include:

  • Exercise/movement

  • Mindfulness and other relaxation techniques

  • Adequate sleep

  • Healthy diet and nutrition

  • Journaling

  • Sharing with a support system

  • Practicing self-compassion


anxiety treatment at Insight Northwest Counseling

There are many other ways you can reduce the symptoms of anxiety in your day to day life and in your therapy treatment here at Insight Northwest. We are committed to finding the best options to suit you and your life.

If you or a loved one have been struggling with symptoms of an anxiety disorder and are seeking the support and care of a professional, book an appointment with one of our team members.

Managing anxiety and finding a place of stability and mental wellness is absolutely possible with the right help.
At Insight Northwest Counseling, we are ready to offer you the very best resources and support.