Where to Find the Best Psychiatrist in Eugene, Oregon

Mental health challenges are real, and they are more common than many realize. Because of the way mental health is still stigmatized, it is often difficult to find the help you so desperately need. But there are many resources available to you if you are struggling with mental health challenges and we are here to help you find them. There are many psychiatrists available in the Pacific Northwest and we would love to guide you to find the right fit for you. At Insight Northwest Counseling we feel that we can provide you with attentive, accessible and impactful psychiatric care. With our incredible team of experienced therapists and prescribers and our unique and personalized approach to psychiatric care, we are ready and able to support you on your journey to mental health. If you are local to Lane County and have been struggling with mental health challenges or mental illness of any kind, keep reading to learn about where to find the best psychiatrist in Eugene, Oregon.

What is the role of a psychiatrist?

As we mentioned above, mental illness is incredibly stigmatized. While our culture is working hard to change that, there is still much work to do. As something that remains “taboo”, many people hesitate to talk openly about the mental health challenges they face. Because of that, it makes getting the help and support you need even more difficult. But those resources are out there, accessible to you in your area, and we want to help guide you to find the best psychiatrist for you. 

So, what is a psychiatrist or psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) and what exactly do they do? In short, a prescriber is a medical professional who can evaluate, diagnose and treat you for a mental health disorder. They are educated and certified to treat you with both therapy and prescription medication. It is common and suggested that when you are suffering from mental health challenges you should first seek the help of a therapist, but there are many times when psychotherapy or talk therapy of any kind is not sufficient in the treatment or management of mental illness. That’s where a psychiatrist comes in.

There are a wide variety of mental illnesses and conditions that require the support of a psychiatrist and psychiatric medication management. These conditions go beyond the care of a therapist or other doctor and need to be given the attention of a psychiatric care provider.

Some conditions that a psychiatrist can treat with medication are:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Bipolar Disorders or other mood disorders

  • Personality Disorders

  • Substance Addiction

  • Eating Disorders

  • Psychotic Disorders

  • Schizoaffective Disorder

  • PTSD

    If you are experience signs or symptoms of any of the above mental health conditions, it is important that you seek help immediately. Psychiatrists and prescribers are equipped to handle these conditions and will help you find a treatment plan suited to you specifically.  

How to approach finding the best psychiatrist in Eugene, Oregon

 Once you recognize your need for the help of a psychiatrist, the next step is finding that help and pursuing it. The search for the best psychiatrist in your area can be daunting and overwhelming, especially if you don’t know where to begin. We have a few key starting points for your search that will hopefully ease the stress and overwhelm. 

Ask for referral from your doctor or therapist

If you are currently under the care of a primary care provider or a therapist, they will likely be able to give you a suggestion of their most well-liked prescriber. It can be difficult to know which psychiatrists would be of best help to you specifically of all the ones available in this area, so getting the direction of your current provider can eliminate or minimize that search. 

If you are already seeking the help of a therapist or counselor at Insight Northwest Counseling, however, keep in mind that we have two psychiatric care providers on staff currently who will be able to offer you psychiatric support and psychiatric medication management. Please visit our Providers page to learn more about those psychiatrists and how to make an appointment with them.

Turn to your preferred search engine

 It may seem like an obvious suggestion, but the world of google and all of its support can often be overlooked. However, with the way medical support is now available and accessible through the internet as of recent – you are likely to find the best psychiatrist in Eugene, Oregon, simply by searching the right key terms. 

When you open your browser, type in “best psychiatrist in Eugene, OR” and see the top options pop up instantly. Those resources have been the first to be listed for a reason; a combination of popularity, accessibility and notoriety. While Insight Northwest Counseling will be one of the top practices on the list, there are other great psychiatrist options suggested. 

If you have already turned to the help of a psychiatrist, you have probably found that there is a lack of availability for new patients. Currently, there is a very high demand for therapists and psychiatrists in our area, making it extremely to receive treatment in a somewhat timely matter. You may have to spend some time and energy making phone calls to multiple care providers, thus making an internet search a very useful option. 

The cost of psychiatric care

An important question and worry in seeking psychiatric support is how much it will cost and if it will be covered by insurance providers. It can be a complicated process to receive the coverage you want for psychiatric care, no matter who your provider is. We are a management free practice that communicates indirectly with insurance providers. We provide counseling and psychiatric medication management as out-of-network providers. You may have the ability to submit each session for reimbursement with your insurance provider. Inquire for more information about this process. In addition, we can also accept payment from a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and also provide sliding scale options. If financial burdens become a hurdle in your ability to receive care from us, please contact us to discuss ways we can provide support for you in your current situation. 

Beyond our services, many psychiatrists are able to accept some common insurance providers. They may or may not cover the services completely, in which case you would have a co-pay for the services that is determined by the psychiatrist and insurance provider. To find out more about our payment options, click here.

Some insurance providers that cover some or all psychiatric care are:

  • Anthem/Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • Pacific Source

  • Providence Health Insurance

  • Moda Health Insurance

  • Aetna

  • Oregon Health Plan

    If you are unsure if your insurance company covers the cost of psychiatric care or if your psychiatrist contracts with your insurance provider, you can call your psychiatrist’s office or your insurance provider directly. Either resource will be able to provide you with that information. 

Psychiatric Support at Insight Northwest Counseling 

At Insight Northwest, our approach to therapy and psychiatry is based on you as an individual and creating a treatment plan that will be the most successful for you. We understand that every person’s journey and circumstance is unique and holds its own set of challenges. We don’t treat psychiatry on a “one-size-fits-all” basis and believe that that approach creates a very successful outcome in mental health treatment. We want to collaborate with you to help you in the way that feels safest and most comfortable for you, while also helping you to a place of mental wellness and stability in the most effective and impactful way. To find out more about our services, our providers and our availability, contact our office by phone or book a free consultation today and we will call you at your preferred time.

Acknowledging that you may need psychiatric help can be difficult and overwhelming. The uncertainty of this uncharted journey is a vulnerable and anxious process. Once you are ready, however, there are many psychiatrists ready to welcome and support you in the safest and most comfortable way. In Eugene, Oregon, there are options for psychiatrists that are available to you. Use the resources and suggests listed above to begin your search for the best psychiatrists in Eugene, Oregon.